Садко в бреду
To be a Feminist is to be a Vegan

“After repeated cycles of forced impregnations, painful births, relentless milkings, and crushing bereavements, their spirit gives, their bodies wither, their milk dries up.
At the age when, in nature, a female cow would barely enter adulthood, the life of a dairy cow is over.
When her milk ‘production’ declines, she and her other ‘spent’ herd mates are trucked off to slaughter. Some are pregnant. All are still lactating.
As they are shoved towards death, they drip milk onto the killing floor…
All dairy operations, including Organic, exist solely by doing to millions of defenseless females the worst thing anyone can do to a mother.
Dairy consumers support this practice with their purchases.”

“Milk Comes from a Grieving Mother” ~ leaflet by Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary
